As for Onegin on Saturday, it completely blew my mind. It didn't have any of the crazy props of Magic Flute, but everything involved was done so incredibly well. The dancers were spectacular, and even though I only know a little about ballet, I could tell how skilled they all were. I did not expect to e able to follow the plot very well, but I actually found it quite easy thanks to the emotive dancing. As for the pit orchestra, it was probably among the best assembly of performers I had ever heard! The tone quality of every player was so rich and dark, to the extent that I couldn't even recognize the sound of some instruments. And the intensity of every performer was so intense you could feel it from the seats, they really brought their all!
Today we're going to a church service at a giant church we've passed a few times. Then tonight we're going to see the Berlin Philharmonic play. Based on how amazing everything in Berlin has been, I'm sure it'll all be amazing!
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